Excellent info in here. It reminded me of a great break down I read years ago of the best places to live in an apocalyptic situation. It's standards and comparisons are intriguing. Even more so the results. I'm not a doomsdayer, but this definitely effected where I've chosen to call home. 😉

Answer to Where is the best place to live in the US during and after the apocalypse? by Ryan Bosela https://www.quora.com/Where-is-the-best-place-to-live-in-the-US-during-and-after-the-apocalypse/answer/Ryan-Bosela?ch=15&oid=124433509&share=38f1cab9&srid=tzYB&target_type=answer

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Interesting link, Pontiff - and plenty to digest about the possibility of failed strategies and plans. Thanks for the contribution! -B

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